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SATMarch 16, 2024

Whether you're a 5 year old yellow belt or an actively competitive adult black belt, Michigan Hanmadang  is for you.

Hanmadang is  a festival of  martial arts to demonstrate skill and talent in forms, weapons, board breaking and  team demo. Special events like soft sword sparring and 20/20 Armour sparring are also part of Michigan Hanmadang. 

Let's get ready for Great Lakes Cup Hanmadang scheduled for Saturday, March 16, 2024 !

Preregister by March 9 online here!

Saturday, March 16, 2024 9:30am
Chippewa Middle School
4000 Okemos Rd
Okemos, MI 48864

Join us for 2024 Great Lakes Cup Hanmadang.   Taekwondo events in Forms(Poomsae), Breaking, Weapons, Sparring and Demo Team will be contested in festival of martial arts for all ages and abilities. You will experience very organized competitor-friendly system of competition format where your divisions are posted and judging is fair. You will love our tournament!


Pre-Registration Only - Pre-Registraton deadline is March 9. Online late-registration deadline is March 12 with $10 late fee.


Fees: $90 for 1 event, $15 for each additional event. Maximum of 3 events per person during  Late Registration. Late Registration available March 12 and 13 only.

Register Online

Competition Rules

CREATIVE BREAKING: Para division available

Maximum of 6 boards. Set up within 60 seconds and break within 60 seconds. Start and finish within the ring. Three (3) tries allowed per target.

  •  3/8 inch demo board will be used for all ages.

  • One(1) point deduction for every 10 seconds over time limit.

  • One(1) point deduction for stepping out of bounds.

  • 0.2 point deduction for each unsuccessful attempt.

FAST KICKING(New Event this year)

All ages.  Most hopping round kicks to heavy bag in 10 seconds with each leg. Your foot must touch the ground in between each kick. Kicks must be belt high or higher. Left leg kicks and Right leg kicks will be added for the score. Tie breaker is most hopping round kicks alternating legs in 10 seconds.



Age 8 and above. One attempt to break 3/8" demo board held by board holding machine with running jumping from kick. Participant must break the board to advance to the next round. Running distance of 6m (20ft). Once 3m is passed, attempt is counted. Shortest person will go first. Shorter person wins in case of a tie. No break if participant falls down after breaking.


Ages 8 and above. Each participant will have 30 seconds to break as many boards as possible with spinning hook kick. All boards are 3/8 inch demo boards.

  • The bottom of the board must be no lower than participant's waist.

  • If the participant crosses into the square of the holder, 1 board deduction.

  • No break(Score of 0): 1) Falls down, 2) Crosses over any boundary line more than 3 times.


Age 10 and above(10 to 14 year olds will use 1/2 inch pine board with foam board cover). 15 and above will use 1 - inch pine boards. Each participant will have 1 attempt to break as many boards  as they declare with a knife hand strike. Participant will have opportunity to practice on re-breakable boards before declaring how many boards to try to break.

  • The floor will not be matted. Knee pad may be used.

  • Participant will privately declare(by paper) how many boards he/she will attempt.

  • Tie breaker, only for 1st place: 1) Participant who attempted greater number of boards, 2) Do over with additional or less board(s), 3) Body weight.

  • One(1) board deduction if 30 second time limit is exceeded.


Age 8 and above. Each participant will have 1 attempt to break as many 1 inch pine boards as possible with step side kick. All boards are placed on a board holding stand. The boards must be as high as the participant's waist.

  • Participant will privately declare(by paper) how many boards he/she will attempt.

  • Tie breaker, only for 1st place: 1) Participant who attempted greater number of boards, 2) Do over with additional or less board(s), 3) Body weight.

  • No break(Score of 0) if participant Falls down..

FORMS(POOMSAE)Para division available

 All ages and ranks. Any taekwondo or tangsoodo form allowed.   Scored using criteria of Accuracy, Execution, Presentation, and TKD Spirit. Two participants will perform at same time.


All ages and ranks. Each participant will have 90 seconds to perform a creative form. There are 6 compulsory techniques: 2 front snap kicks(any variation), 2 round house kicks (any variation) and 2 side kicks( any variation). Music is HIGHLY encouraged.

*Deductions: 1) failed to perform required kicks, 2) Steps outside the ring. 3) Exceeds 90 seconds.


All ages and ranks. Each participant will have 90 seconds to perform. There are 6 compulsory techniques: 2 front snap kicks(any variation), 2 round house kicks (any variation) and 2 side kicks( any variation). Martial arts weapons are accepted. Music is HIGHLY encouraged.

*Deductions: 1) Each time weapon is unintentionally dropped, 2) failed to perform required kicks, 3) Steps outside the ring. 4) Exceeds 90 seconds.

TEAM POOMSAE  - Done in 8x8 ring (26ft x 26ft)

Team FormS will be judged with score cards. Synchronization and team work is important. 2-10 members. Depending on number of teams entered, divisions will be grouped by rank (BB/Color belt) and/or family status (Family Team or Non-Family Team). 

DEMO TEAMDone in 10x10 ring (33ft x 33ft)

All ages and ranks, but must have a minimum of 5 members age 12 and under. Each team will have 2 minutes to setup followed by 7 minutes to perform a demonstration in a 10m x 10m ring. Synchronization and team work is important. Music is HIGHLY encouraged.

  • Forms(Traditional or Creative), Weapons, Board Breaking, and Self Defense.

  • All team members must remain on the mat at all times.

  • All weapons, props, boards and holding devices must remain on the mat at all times.


A match consists of seven (7) engagement rounds. The greatest number of rounds won is the winner. Each round end at a scoring strike or the stop in action by the contestants.

  • The TARGET AREAS  are the HEAD, TORSO and LEGS. Two hands must be on the sword when striking the opponent.

  • First to score a direct strike is winner of each round. 

  • If simultaneous strikes occur, tie breaker: Head strike is superior to body strike and body strike is superior to leg strike.

  • You can lose a round if you fall down, drops your sword or go out of bound.

  • Single elimination tournament.


Modified WT/USAT sparring rules will be used. Regular hogu will be used for everyone and thus need to bring own hogu (chest guard). 

  • Head Kick allowed for 10 years and older Black Belts, and 12 and older Color belts. Light contact head kicks only. Non-Head kick divisions will be available for Black Belts with participants agreement.

  • 3 points for head kick, 2 points for body kick,1 point for body punch. No extra point for turning kick.

  • Two (2) one minute rounds with 30 second rest for everyone, including black belts, except for 5 & under and 6-7 year olds who will spar for one(1) round only.

  • Single elimination tournament.

Sparring Age Divisions - 5 & under, 6-7, 8-9, 10-11, 12-14, 15-17, 18-32, 33-40, 41 & over

Rank Divisions -

  • Novice (7th gup - 10th gup). Typically white, yellow, orange & green belts

  • Intermediate (4th gup - 6th gup). Green and Blue belts

  • Advanced (1st gup - 3rd gup). Brown and Red Belts. Bodans (black/red) may either compete in Advanced or Black Belt division

  • Black Belts - Black belt sparring is only for "grass root" competitor who has participated in less than 5 sparring tournaments as a black belt.

Divisions may be combined or further divided to minimize mismatches or provide opportunities for competition

Registration is closed
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